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Icon for the I Am Sober application

I Am Sober


I Am Sober LLC
Platforms this app is available on
Available on iOS

Apple iOS

Available on Android


Cost for this app

In App Purchases


I Am Sober is more than just a free sobriety counter app. Along with tracking your sober days, it helps you build new habits and provides ongoing motivation by connecting you to a wide network of people all striving for the same goal: staying sober one day at a time. Through our growing sober community you can learn from others and contribute by sharing insights and tactics that have worked for you. **The I Am Sober app features:** • Sober day tracker To visualize how long you’ve been sober. • Remember why you quit Add reasons and photos to help you remember why you want to quit your addiction and stay sober. • Daily pledge tracker Take a pledge every day. Sobriety is a 24-hour struggle, so start your day off by making a pledge to stay sober. Then you can review how your day went and log notes at the end of the day. • Sobriety calculator View how much money & time you’ve saved by being sober. • Analyze triggers Recap each day and find patterns that made your day easier or more challenging than the last. • Share your story Either with others or for yourself, take photos and journal your progress directly in the app. Then choose to share it or save it as a reminder for yourself. • Milestone tracker Track and celebrate your milestones from 1 day, to 1 week, to 1 month and beyond. Compare experiences with others on their sober journey. Read how they felt at this milestone and what you can expect. If you’re struggling, share your story and invite others to offer help or...

Condition Areas:

Healthy Living
Alcohol Awareness
Mental Health

Clinical Features:

Alcohol Monitoring

Accreditations and Awards:

This app is OBR certified

Score Summary:

This app is OBR certified

It was assessed as a Level 2 App. These apps are focused on general health. They may collect data and they may have a number of more advanced features. Where they collect data we assess their data use policies and compliance with relevant standards. Because they are health focused we also assess their compliance in the Professional Assurance as well as the Usability and Accessibility domains.



Professional Assurance


Usability & Accessibility


Score Details:


General Features:

Service Signposting

The App provides links and suggestions for local or national services that are relevant to its focus area

Goal Setting and Gamification

The App allows you to set health and wellbeing related goals and may support games and challenges around achieving that

Health Monitoring

The App provides functionality to allow users to monitor their conditions, this may involve simple recording of relevant data over time.

Data Capture

The App captures user data.

Data Sharing

The App allows you to share information in the App with others or other Apps/Systems

Information Provision

The App provides general information.



I Am Sober LLC


70.88 MB



Last Updated


App Version


ORCHA review date
