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Icon for the Lower My Drinking application

Lower My Drinking


Breaking Free Group
Platforms this app is available on
Available on iOS

Apple iOS

Available on Android


Cost for this app

Entirely Free


What is Lower My Drinking? 

Lower My Drinking is an app that helps you control how much alcohol you drink with a 4 week guide. 

Who can use Lower My Drinking? 

Lower My Drinking is suitable for adults and children over 17 years old who live in the UK.  

How does Lower My Drinking work? 

Lower My Drinking works by helping you keep track of how much alcohol you drink. Then you set a goal to reduce how much you drink. 

Learn how to think about alcohol in a different way and plan what to do if you think you will drink too much. 

Find activities to do instead of drinking alcohol, and get advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle. 

How was Lower My Drinking made? 

Lower My Drinking was made by Breaking Free Group with the help of evidence based research. 

How much is Lower My Drinking? 

You can only use Lower My Drinking if your healthcare provider has told you they will provide you with free access to this app.

Condition Areas:

Healthy Living
Alcohol Awareness
Mental Health

Clinical Features:

Alcohol Monitoring

Accreditations and Awards:

This app is OBR certified

Score Summary:

This app is OBR certified

It was assessed as a Level 4 App. These Apps can be focused on general health or specific conditions and contain advanced and complex features that are subject to formal regulation. Where they collect data we assess their data use policies and compliance with relevant standards. Because they are health focused we also assess their compliance in the Professional Assurance as well as the Usability and Accessibility domains.



Professional Assurance


Usability & Accessibility


Score Details:


General Features:

Behavioural Change Techniques

The App utilises Behavioural Change Techniques.

Health Monitoring

The App provides functionality to allow users to monitor their conditions, this may involve simple recording of relevant data over time.

Data Capture

The App captures user data.

Data Sharing

The App allows you to share information in the App with others or other Apps/Systems

Service Signposting

The App provides links and suggestions for local or national services that are relevant to its focus area

Information Provision

The App provides general information.

Risk Indicator

The App provides an indication of a health risk.

Goal Setting and Gamification

The App allows you to set health and wellbeing related goals and may support games and challenges around achieving that



Breaking Free Group


175.2 MB



Last Updated


App Version


ORCHA review date
